Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Favorite Movie Dragons

The cinematic world has turned these fiery beasts to larger than life beauties that we’ve all been in awe of. From being creatures only known through stories to being depicted on the large screen, dragons have made the film watching experience exhilarating. Of all of the film depictions, these are my most favorite.
Draco from Dragonheart (circa 1996)

Rob Cohen directed this masterpiece before he went on to direct Fast and Furious. I still giggle at Dennis Quaid's banter with a Sean Connery voiced dragon. 

Dragon from Shrek (circa 2001)

Called Dragon, the beast is a striking balance of ferocity and femininity. I love her more for her romance with a donkey called Donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy

Smaug from the Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (circa 2013)

His beastly size, the way he slithers and looks at you , it's so scary-amazing! The feature that makes this dragon so awe-inspiring is the voice. Who doesn't love Benedict Cumberbatch's voice!

Falkor from The NeverEnding Story (circa 1984)

He's not the ferocious beast the other dragons are. He's a luck dragon who looks like a giant dog but for anyone who lost themselves in the movie, he became a companion for all your adventures.

Hungarian Horntail from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (circa 2005)           

I remember being enthralled when I first read about the Hungarian Horntail. It is the moment in the Harry Potter film series when the movie actually becomes scary and you get a feel for what Harry is in for.

Toothless from How to Train your Dragon (circa 2010)         

This. This is why the Night Fury is on my list!

Who are your favorite movie dragons?

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