Monday, July 15, 2013

How to Raise a Dragon - Fiction

Raising a dragon is an exhilarating experience. While dragons can be difficult to maintain, they are fiercely loyal pets that get along wonderfully with human beings and are a delight to play with. Before you take the plunge, you must ensure you know the basics of how to raise a dragon. Raising a dragon is expensive and risky, so you shouldn’t buy your first baby dragon without fully understanding the care it requires.

Raising a Healthy Dragon

Dragons are voracious eaters. A very important part of raising dragons is ensuring that they get enough food. A dragon’s diet consists primarily of fish and meat. Needless to say, you can give your dragon raw meat since a dragon is perfectly capable of roasting its own food. If you have watched dragons eat, you may have noticed that different dragons prefer their meat cooked to different degrees. This is another reason you should leave the cooking to your fiery pet. It is important to know that a baby dragon can eat up to one sheep a day, but a meal of this size is usually followed by three or four days of near abstinence. A seven year old dragon, on the other hand, may expect around three cows every week. It is very important that you consider the costs and logistics involved before you decide to raise your own dragon.

The Ideal Environment for Raising a Dragon 

Dragons are creatures of the sky, and must never be prevented from flying when they feel like it. A dragon that is prevented from flying can get moody and even destructive. Most dragons also like to bask in the sunlight and can spend hours running around when they’re in a playful mood. To raise a dragon, you will need a wide, open field where your pet can run about and from where it can safely fly away and return. Since dragons are commonly believed to be evil, it is a good idea to make sure you don’t have people nearby or if you do, that they don’t have a problem with you raising dragons next door.

Raising a Lone Dragon

Fortunately, dragons are quite capable of being happy in the absence of other dragons. This is primarily due to the special relationship dragons share with human beings. Dragons derive a strong sense of emotional well-being and satisfaction from the bond they share with their owners. They are gentle with friendly humans and love taking their owners with them when they fly. Getting attention and appreciation from their owners is of paramount importance to growing dragons. When raising a dragon, it is vital that you spend a few hours every day playing and bonding with your pet.  If you know any other dragon owners, try to arrange for your pets to meet at least once a year.

Raise a Dragon Online

If what you’ve just read has only convinced you that you can never raise a dragon in your home, do not fret. While it may not be the same, you can still get considerable joy from raising a dragon online. Dragon raising games are a more practical and hassle-free alternative for most dragon lovers. These games give you the freedom to choose from a wide variety of dragon species without having to worry about the special care and arrangements required by each type.  Raising a virtual dragon involves taking care of it from birth to adulthood and ensuring it is properly cared for throughout.

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