Dragon Names for your Pet or Game character
Mighty dragons that spell doom and destruction, majestic dragons that command respect, small dragons that are harmless, gigantic dragons that delight in being wicked – there are all kinds of dragons! But the first introduction to any dragon, or even person for that matter, is his name. Many of us draw up images and characteristics by just listening to a dragon’s name. Little surprise, then, that there is such a hullaballoo over finding the perfect name for you dragon!Names for Dragon Games Online
Kids of all ages absolutely love playing the variety of dragon games that are available today! From raising a dragon to training and flying it, dragon pets are certainly the most unique and most exciting kinds of pets to have!

While some games ask you to pick names from a pre-determined list, most games give players the freedom to select any dragon name of their choice for these winged pets. It is the perfect opportunity to get those creative juices flowing and come up with something completely original for your dragon!
Cool Male and Female Dragon Names
Picking a dragon name is not as simple as it may seem. As with people, dragons can also be of different kinds, with varied personality traits and characteristics. The first step would ideally include research – a detailed knowledge of dragon history, the different kinds of dragons that exist, the word for ‘dragon’ in different languages, etc. There are many resources online that offer all this information.
Your next step will be to decide on what sort of attributes you want to give your dragon, what you want the name to convey, and whether you want a male dragon name, female name, or a neutral name. To add some drama to this name, you can also choose to add a title. The options are endless!
If you need help zeroing in on the perfect dragon name, there are many forums online where people pitch in with their ideas and help you find that perfect name. And if that doesn’t help, or you want an option that’s quicker and gives you instant results, check out some dragon name generators!
Online Dragon Name Generator
From picking dragon names for online games to choosing a name for a fictitious dragon character you may be writing about, there are many reasons why you might need help with dragon names. A dragon name generator is a great tool to aid you in this process. A quick browse online and you will be spoilt for choice!
The variety and kind of dragonname generators are aplenty! For some, you can choose to generate only names, while others offer you titles along with dragon names. Some dragon name generators also let you enter characteristics that you want your dragon to have (for example humorous, evil, etc) and generate names accordingly, to suit the characteristics mentioned. Impressive, isn’t it?
So go ahead, follow these ideas and tips, use the tools available online, and pick a great dragon name that will make an impact and will not be easily forgotten!
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